Wayfinder 51 / Is A Happy Life Meaningful?

Is a Happy Life Different from a Meaningful One?
Philosophers, researchers, spiritual leaders—they’ve all debated what makes life worth living. Is it a life filled with happiness or a life filled with purpose and meaning? Is there even a difference between the two?

Researchers are creating a distinction between happiness and meaning. They propose meaning has little to do with health, wealth and comfort — which are key elements to happiness. Happiness can often seem selfish. Perhaps meaning should be our primary focus and we should leave happiness to figure itself out.

Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You
A 2015 study published in The Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that pursuing your passion both lowers stress and contributes to greater happiness over all. Researchers found that participants who engaged in hobbies were 34 percent less stressed and 18 percent less sad during the activities, as well as for some time after.

Don't simply pursue a passion, build a skill and practice deliberately to become good at something. Joy and contentment often follows the competency that one builds over time.

Most of what we think of as “love” is bullshit
Love is care, not consumption. It is about first loving yourself; having a whole existence with enough sustenance that you do not need to pull love off of those around you.

And when we finally direct our attention at others, love is about give and not take.

The 25 Best Inflammation-Fighting Foods
The impact of food on inflammation is clear—but actually incorporating those foods into your daily life can be easier said than done. Here are 25 foods that are scientifically proven to help fight inflammation...

What we finished reading this week:
Quicksand: What It Means to Be a Human Being — Henning Mankell

Best humble adventure this week:
We were in Bend, OR for a brief visit and are now driving back thru CA and AZ heading to work and watch Javelina Jundred. We managed a couple runs along the coast and beach between 10 hour driving shifts, plus a plunge in the cold Pacific Ocean.

Splurge of the week:
Paso Robles Tempranillo and a Charcuterie plate at Succulent Cafe in Solvang, CA.

Susan // Paul